hubby doesnt want to be in delivery room

edited January 2011 in September 2011
I have two children already. Ages 12 & 9. I am due september 9th. This is my husbands first child. He does not deal well with blood or needles or really any gross body functions. He has already made it clear that he will most likely not be willing to be in the delivery room. He says he's sorry and he just can't... I live close to family an there are several people that would be ecstatic about taking his place but I'm sad because I want HIM. i feel safe w him and i just cant believe he cant see that maybe i need his support. I think its unfair. I don't get the choice of whether or not I want to be in there. It makes me see him as weak and selfish. I have a long way to go and I'm trying to just not let it bother me and hope it changes as we get closer, however it bothers me so much.


  • Maybe just tell him that, that you need him there for you, he doesn't have to look down there is he doesn't want to can stay right by your head, just let him know that your scared abd need him, tell him he's your partner he can't bail on you in your most vulnerable moment.
  • Since its his first, he's probably imagining how scary it is like the movies. My husband almost fainted with son. Haha. You can tell him how much you would love him being there and he could stay towards your head so he can't see what's going on down south. Tell him how you feel, maybe he'll come around. Good luck
  • Maybe once he sees the ultrasounds and hears the heartbeat his tune well change. My husband is real squeemish and has ended up right there for both deliveries. The first one, the nurse didn't give him the opprtuunity...she said ok dad grab a leg its time. He didn't have time to say no thank you...hopefully your husband will figure it out. You have time luckily
  • My husband is the same way he held my had and didn't look down everyone told him not to look and he will be ok
  • My husband took benadryl. The entire time they were prepping me for the c section I was afraid he was going to pass out. He didn't want to be in there either but I told him I needed him. The doctor recommended benadryl, maybe your doctor could suggest something to calm his nerves.
  • My husband doesn't want to see it either but hes gonna be in the room. If you or him know any guys that have kids and have been in the delivery room, get him to talk to them. Maybe if he sees it come from another dad that its not so bad that will shine the light on the positive side of it for him. hope this helps and he changes his mind.
  • edited January 2011
    And if all that doest work..........well then, I give u permission to go banchy lady hamm on him girl!! I apologize if I offend anyone, but you are correct in feeling that he's being selfish by sticking by that decision and not at least leave it up for disscusion (which really means ' I'm giving you time to get over it and just do it' in woman terms)!! It is my opinion that you should always pick n chose your battles very meticulously..... And well, maybe I'm the only female who feels this way, but this is the battle that I would chose in a heart beat!! My heart goes out to you 3rd91011, and I truely hope he comes around, good luck!!
  • My man is silly. He claims he wants to be there just so he can see if I poop. I know that when the time comes, he's going to be too freaked out to really look.
  • My bf won't even be in the room for check UPS anything involving stirrups and he hides behind the curtain... his train of thought.. I don't wanna see their hand meet your cooter I might try to punch the Dr... soo I'm ok with it...
  • My husband cannot handle blood or guts. He gets nauseated. Haha! He wasn't too sure about being in there but just wait. You get so wrapped up in the moment. The excitement of everything totally takes over. Then there are tears of joy!! He even ended up cutting the cord!
  • Tell him it could be worse. You could be having a c-section. I'm lucky my guy isn't squeemish at all. After I woke up from the anesthesia he was telling me how weird my insides looked.
  • I am having a c section.. but I won't be asleep and explained that he can stay by my head n never look over the sheet thingy. That,
    paired w the fact that I am just the type to do what 1stbaby said and go straight banchy lady hamm on him if he doesn't recognize that this is not really optional in my eyes and he better man up and finish what he started since I can back out on the tough part, made him eagerly agree! He said he just didn't want to pass out or puke an make me worried and stressed. So I said, there will be doctors close and I will be being cut in half so they can remove a human being from my body, so I won't be concerned, but thanks for seeing that should be your ONLY way out! He just laughed at me. I think ill hold onto the camera though!
  • I meant since I Can't back out..
  • Lol glad he finally agreed
  • Oh no! What if he passes out? It might be good to have a backup friend or family member!
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