this girl is sooooo dumb!

K. So if u don't know my story.......
Quick run down. I was seperated from my hubby, I was dating another guy. Ended up getting preg and then getting back w my hubby.
K so while I was dating the other guy Aaron, his "baby mama #2" gave birth to a little girl 6 wks into us dating.
He swore him and her had nothijg going on, but I find out basically when things were over , that apparently they were still together sort of, (idk how he had the time!) So I told her I was preg, and she was like no ur not. Ok whatev. So a while back I Fb messaged him to get a hold of me. She messaged me back saying quit saying I was preg, I'm not really. "Everyone who knows you know ur not preg" really? Ok.
So out of theblue she messaged me and was like, I want the truth between you and aaron, when did u get preg, when's the last time u hooked up.bc if this bby is his, I'm moving south w my daughter (btw since that bby was born this girl has done nothing butplay the baby as a pawn against him) Blah blah blah. I didn't give her all the details.its not her business.
So bascially I told her that is his. But not involving him is the best choice. Anyways, I was on fb today. And she wrote on his page "I love you :) "
She is dumb. I wasn't the 1st, or last. He is having a baby he will never know, and he spits so much stupid game. How dumb could she be for still being w him.
He is prally denying my baby jjst as he did hers. Wtf.
Sorry just really had to say, Sara, you are seriously soooooo dumb.


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