33 weeks & 2 centimeters... *experiences??*

I've already had a twenty five weeker but I just went in today for a check up and the doc said I'm almost two centimeters dilated at 33 weeks, I have been having severe contractions for two days... anyone know what the likelihood is that I will deliver early or how premature her development will be?? I'm just nervous about having another preemie.


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  • I was 2cm dialted at 7 months with my first two children didn't go into labor til my due date with number one and had to be induced 2 weeks after my due date with number 2..
  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle @kalikojenie thanks ladies... I find comfort in your experiences. Hopefully she will cook a bit longer. (;
  • I delivered my twins at 33 weeks. All babies are different, but I can tell you the development of mine. They were 5.5 and 4.8 lbs.ozs and 17 & 17.5 inches. They spent 10 days in the nicu, mainly due to jaundice. Spent some time sunbathing under the bili lights. And then came home with no more issues. Like I said, all babies are different but 33 weeks isn't too awful early. :) good luck to you and your baby!
  • @maranda3 thank you!! I'm glad your twins did so well. My oldest spent three months in the hospital so I fear going through that again but I know that's me just being scared. But I do find it comforting to know that your babies were so well developed. (:
  • I went into pre-term labor at exactly 33wks, but they were able to stop it with 1 shot of Terb. I'm 37+4 (in 7 minutes, lol) now & doing just fine. Just take it easy & maybe discuss steroid shots for lung development with your doctor if you're really worried. A friend of mine got them & her baby was born at 35 1/2 weeks & only spent 1 night in the nicu. Good luck & STAY POSITIVE!!! :)
  • @vette_devil thank you... I think I will ask for the steroids as well. They seemed to help my son out and I only received one dose. I am just terrified of the NICU prospect... I know I shouldn't be but I guess if it wasn't me worrying about that it be me worrying about something else. Lol. Thanks so much for the input. I know no one can give me an exact "this will happen" but the experiences and advice help a ton. Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope your labor us quick!! (:
  • No problem! I feel the same way about nicu; it scares the daylights out of me... especially because we also have a 3yr old daughter, who I've never been away from overnight. It would tear me apart to be away from either child for any more than a few hours! :(
  • @vette_devil yeah... that was always my fear when planning for another baby. My son is so clingy that I don't think he would understand me having to stay away from him to be with his sister. ):
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