Need advice for my stuffy baby.

edited July 2011 in Babies
So my 7week old son has developed a super stuffy nose, and it sounds like hes getting some nasal drainage down his throat. Problem is, theres nothing in his actual nasal cavity to suck out...Im guessing its in his sinuses. What can I do to help my little guy out?


  • U can try putting saline drops in his, most and them rub his nose and sinuses to loosen up the mucous. Then u can either suck it out it just let it drain out on its own.
  • Humidifier might help. Vapor rub?
  • Put the shower on super hot and take your baby and sit in there with him/her and breath the steam
  • Saline dros will work good,i had that problem with my son with him being a c section baby so the doctor told me to use that and that's what they used for him in the hospital too.
  • I had the same issues with my daughter after she was born. The nurse put 2 drops of saline in each nostril every 2-3 hours and didn't suction them out. Let it run through the sinuses for 24 hours. Suction the throat as needed, but not the nostrils. Using suction in the nostrils could make the problem worse, as it can irritate the nasal passages if overused.

    It worked like a charm for our baby. Before this she wasn't eating well and would gag, sometimes would throw up what she was eating. Good luck! Hope it works for you.
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