becoming a mother with out a mother

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
My name is Katie I'm 19 and I'm 7 wks pregnant. My mom passed away 2 years ago from breast cancer and I'm just finding it hard going through being pregnant without my mom bring here. I mean I have my bf mom but its not the same any advice I just miss her so much


  • I am so sorry everyday I think what would I do without my mom I live 8 hours away from her and that's so very hard enough for me but I can call her so my advice I if you. Have a best friend or someone like an aunt or family friend you can call them on anything or just even a friend will make it a little better just talk make sure you don't keep to yourself.. sending my love n prayers
  • I know how you feel. My mom died when I was 6. I have my step mom but it's not the same.
  • I know! I wish she could see her grandbaby and i wish my baby could meet her grandma
  • She will see her, shes right by you! These times listen to your intuition thats her steering you in the right direction! I found that writing letters with all ur questions and concerns u want her advice on, and burning them always helped me, it made me felt like I was sending her the letter up to God, so she can read it in heaven...... It was all the really personal things only she could answer, that was just for mine and her eyes only!! Good luck, I know this is hard!
  • My father passed last May to cardiovascular disease. I am 21 and I do have my mom but i also wish my dad could be here to a grandpa. It is hard everyday but one thing that helps me (that I hope helps you) is just to remember all the wonderful quirks that made ur mom and my dad such wonderful parents and the values he instilled in me, I will instill in my child. All u can do is aspire to be a great parent like they were and put on a good show, because they are watching us. Stay strong.
  • Katie I know what your going through. My mother died when I was 8 from ovarian cancer. I always told myself I didn't want kids because I was afraid I would get ovarian cancer and didn't want my children feeling lost and abandoned. Now I have a very spunky 2 year old and my second on true way. I know my mother is looking down on me, so is your mother. When my children are old enough im going to tell them how strong their grandmother was, she had 9 miscarriages to have me.
  • Oh man that's amazing I have EVERYTHING of my Moms so at least they can see pictures and what not my grandma ( my moms mom) died before I was born of ovarian cancer also so I knew it was hard not growing up with my grandma but it always helped having her pictures and my mom telling me about her
  • My dad died when I was 3 yrs old. My mother was here for my daughters life till 2 yrs ago when she passed. I'm now 25weeks prego and it has been hard somewhat not being able to share this pregnancy with her. My bf mom died also so there are no grand parents. You just need to find a good support system. Everything will be great. Our mothers are here just in our hearts and dreams.
  • It's very hard but you can pass on those things your mom's and dads taught you. Pass on the love and what you learn and remember from them. And special things that will have so much meaning to you and them. You can still share them with your kids. My dad was very angry and an abusive father to my brothers. Never there for me. And though my mom is very loving she is a ball of drama, fear, and miss trust. I wish my dad was not around. And I don't trust him alone with my kids at all. My mom I have to constantly deal with mood swings and pray she doesn't start stressing out my kids. I live an hr away for that reason. I wish with all my heart my kids had great grand parents. But I'm going to give them every bit of love I can. And bring people I trust that can be those types of people in their lives. So be thankful for the memories and things you can pass on. For great roll models who will inspire. And create relationships that will help full those
  • Katie, I am really, really sorry to hear this. My mother is alive but we do not speak at all so I know how much that hurts. I am pregnant with my fifth child and I am 38 years old but I find myself wanting her company as much as I did when I was pregnant with my first.

    I don't know if your mom or dad have any sisters to whom you feel close but if that is the case, maybe they could provide some comfort. I have a couple of friends who are much older than me and feel maternal and sometimes that helps too.

    No one can replace your mom and I don't know that it will get easier for you but I do believe that some days are better than others and I hope you have more good days than bad. Take care of you and your precious cargo.
  • I know what you mean, i'm 19 now and my mum died of a rare cancer when I was 11. It was all very sudden and I still feel lost without her. I already have a child and am pregnant with my second, and it just keeps hitting me that she's not here, and it is hard because your mum is a very special part of your life and it's hard to create another bond like that. You just need to remember that they would be proud you taking on their role and know that you cherish the bond you have with your children since you know how much it hurts not to have a mother around anymore. Good luck to everyone with their pregnancy and motherhood.
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