worried...baby movement

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Im 28 weeks and i went to doctor today. I heard heartbeat and it was fine but ive been worried about his movements yeaterday and today.. he usually an active little guy but he hasnt been so much these two days.. i feel him a little bit but no hard kicks or rolls.. just a small flutter here and there.. doctor said he is fine but i know doctors arent all the time right so i was wondering yalls opinions. She told me i could go to the er and get monitored but i was thinking if im still worried ill go tomorrow..any thoughts? I also know babies have their slow days too so are two slow days safe?


  • I'm 28 weeks also n have been having the same worries.....she was beatin me up and now not really anything......maybe its something with 28 weeks and their growth?
  • my baby had slow weeks....more toward the end, around where you are now
  • Some days baby is just more active than others. If your doctor isn't very worried you shouldn't stress out about it. Give it dome time and if you think he's still not mo ing enough go get monitored
  • They slow down while having a growth spurt.. i had that at 28weeks 34weeks and the 36weeks. movements are slow due to restricted space. i personally wouldn't worry to much hun. but if your instinct is telling you to get checked, go!! good luck. keep me updated x
  • edited July 2011
    Thanks yall.. i feel a little better that yall have same experiences.. i hope he goes back because him not beating me up makes me worried lol..
  • In the last trimester babies aren't as active and they sleep more. If your worried drink something cold or eat something and lay on your left side. You can count your baby's kicks as well. I wouldn't worry too much though, but you can always call your doc or go to the ER just to be sure.
  • Thanks @beautifulone.. i did call my doctor and she wasnt worried but she never said anything how the baby is going to be less active or anything.. she can be a little short coming on the information..
  • My dr is the same way. I guess they assume everything is ok if you don't ask a lot of questions.
  • Movements for me slowed around that time. I went to the hospital,stayed over night got monitored,had u/s and she was fine. She started moving the next day but pokes and rubs.
  • i heard its because they are running out of room....
  • My baby wouldnt move for a few days then one day her movements are crazy again. Just depend on babys mood n pattern.
  • Thanks y'all
    Yall really put my mind at ease.. these last few weeks have been extremely stressful and i was hoping it wasnt something to do with that..
  • I'll be 28 weeks tmrw. Babygirl is super active all the time, but she does have lazy days. If heartbeat was fine & u have felt movement, even if it's jus flutters then I think ur ok. Remember sometimes depending on how the baby's positioned, u won't feel the movements as much. Also remember that @ 28 wks the baby is startin to grow a lot more and startin to run out of room. Try eatin somethin, then layin on ur left side to see if u notice an increase in movement. My baby starts movin a lot after drinkin Coke or a cold Ensure shake. If ur still worried, go to the ER to ease ur mind. Good luck! :-)
  • When you are stress It stresses the baby too and they tend to move less
  • @oc86 yea feel hard kicks every now and then so it puts my mind to ease some.. i figured the bigger they were the easier you feel..
    @waitingformybaby im worried baby may have a difficult life because if the huge amount of stress ive been under these past few months.. i hear the bad things it can do to a baby so i try to distance myself from my soon to be ex husband as best as possible...
  • Your welcome hun! :)
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