cant keep anything down

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 6weeks6days and I've been normal nauseas but no throwing up maybe thrown up a couple times no more then that but today I feel terrible I haven kept anything down I'm trying to eat crackers and 7up but it still keeps coming up I don't know what to do any suggestions?


  • Chewing gum helped me and icee pops lol but my OBGYN office told me to try ginger ale but that gave my heartburn
  • Yup hope that helps:-) I can give u the list I got from my doc if it doesn't help
  • I tried chewing gum and threw up the juices from the gum
  • very dry toast....little bity bites....peanut butter its really easy to throw up...small sips of water
  • Yeah u should try ice pops and fruit in light syrup it helped me.... :">
  • ill try but it seems like everything that touches my stomache I'm throwing up even the juices from gum I didn't even know that was possible
  • Make lemonade with salt not with sugar . Only try it if u like sour .
  • My paper from the doc says its safe to take vitamin b6 (25mg) with 1/2 tablet Unisom twice daily these are over the counter meds
    -small frequent meals, flat coke, flat ginger ale, ginger tablets, tea, peppermint, chewing gum. Hopefully the nausea will go away for you soon best wishes!:-)
  • I had the exact same problem and my dr. Prescribed a medication for me called promethazine....worked wonders.....all I do is eat. In the beginning I was so sick cldnt even hold water down. The pills really helped and now that I'm in my second trimester I don't need them as much
  • I was also throwing up every little thing including the juices from gum...sum women have a severe case of sickness...nothing seemed to work for me...I was also afriad of becoming dehydrated. So I would suggest you look into that if nothing else is working
  • I had that early this morning. Sucks cuz I haven't barfed in 2 weeks >.> I tried to sip on some water but promptly threw it back up. Hope you feel better soon!
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