Baby not kicking/moving too much they have lazy days?

edited July 2011 in Second Trimester
I'm 24+4 and baby girl hasn't been kicking a lot today. She usually produces very strong movements and kicks, but the few I've felt today have been weaker than normal. I definitely was not feeling 5-10 an hour during the day. She's usually most active between 7:30-10 pm, but she seems to have slowed down all day and I'm not feeling a lot tonight. I'm drinking a soda right now to see if that will get her going.


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  • Same thing happened with mine around the same time..I think they go thru a growth spurt. But I went in and ever since he has been tossing and turning. At 24w they are still fairly small and can turn away where you wouldn't be able to feel them. They don't suggest doing kick counts til about 28 weeks. Im sure your lil one is just fine :)
  • I'm 24w2d and that happens to me some times baby has lazy days (today actually) as long as I feel her a lil bit everyday I don't usually worry. Like someone else said they still have room in there to move around so we don't feel it. So dont stress :)
  • I've been worried about the same thing. I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow and it seems like he has been lazy for the past 2 days and it makes me worry...but reading this makes me feel a little better. This morning I didn't feel him when I woke up like I usually do so I chugged a cold cup of milk (usually gets him moving) and I layed down right away and I made him get the hiccups! oops! Lol
  • Don't worry same thing happened to me a few days ago I'm 26*1 but they are only human and of course they are going to get lazy and not wana move for a bit I'm sure everything is fine if you've felt at least 2 movements throughout the day.
  • My peanut does that all the time she will move constatly well what seams like it and then shell stop then shell go go go and rest
  • Yep. Baby still has a lot of room to move around.
  • Thank you for the reassurance, ladies! I think the soda got het moving a little more \:D/
  • Yeah my lil man did the same thing one day last week sometime and it scared me, i called the on call doctor and everything lol because ive felt him everyday since like 17 or 18 weeks. And everyday since he's moved for me, musta known he scared the crap outta his mommy lol. It helped to drink some orange juice and lay on my left side.
  • I'm 32 wks today and she still has lazy days. Not as much so as she used too. It's easier for me to feel absolutely every movement now. At 28 wks though I had like a freak out because she barely moved all day. Exactly how you are explaining. I was in a near panic by time dh finally got home from work. I was bawling. As soon as he started talking though she started up on her normal movement. As if she had been waiting all day just for him lol.
  • I'm almost 34 weeks and had to go in yesterday for an ultrasound and non stress test. She moved to footling breech. :-(
  • Yes, absolutely. I was monitored about a week ago also. Just because you don't feel movements doesn't mean the baby isn't moving. My little angel was moving like crazy, but I didn't feel all of it. Some days the kicks feel like she's playing soccer in here, but others it feels like she's floating on a cloud. So, don't stress over movement.
    I ordered a fetal doppler monitor and paid about $65 for it so I can keep from stressing over stuff like this. It helps a lot. WHenver I don't feel her for a few hours, I use my doppler monitor and hear her heartbeat and hear her movements. It's such a great reassurance.
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