my daughter seriously has it out for me :/

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
im supposed to be up in 20 mins. have to shower and get rest of family around bc I have an ultrasound at 8:45. And its a hour away from here and we have to drop kids off at g-ma's. dont you know my 3 yr old has been up since 3:20????? REALLY Rebecca Claire.........are you trying to kill mommy? And I have to work at 2 so right after ultrasound drive to work and not get done til 730. Its going to be a LONG day. ~X(


  • If it's any consolation at all, my 2 year old still hasn't gone to sleep.... And my newborn seemed to be especially hungry tonight.... So I have yet to go to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day here too!
  • you would think my husband would say something like "dont worry ill stay up with the kids tonight" except he says "im going fishing tonight. ill be home in the morning" LKDNFJDJHBRJTFNSKJBNFLKB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    @txmoorekat sry. makes me feel better tho knowing that I'm not the only person going to miserable bc of stubborn children!
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