so far every girl in my family was potty trained by our mother saying im going potty are you gonna come with me. and that seemed to work every time, if she has her own potty she can sit down just like you do, and it may be kinda awkward at first but most kids learn from copying their parents! and what another friend of mine did was made those little snack bags and put treats in them and each time her daughter would go without mommy she got a goodie bag and you can put like gold fish snacks in there or get the juice pouches too and do it that way. i know thats what i am going to do when my son starts potty training because i know he isnt gonna wanna go with me so im gonna try the goodies. and i found online a few days ago, undies that dont feel anything like a diaper but they have an insert like a diaper that soaks up accidents and you just change the pad out and wash the undies. il have to try and find it again, they were for girls so i didnt bookmark it lol