Anyone have this strange pregnancy symptom?

I know you can have some really crazy off the wall symptoms while pregnant. I get clusters of tiny itchy bumps on my body. Usually about 3-4 tiny bumps per cluster, usually on my fingers, hands, arms, feet, and legs. They itch like crazy and don't seem to go away until I scratch myself raw. I have a dime size scar on my ankle from it. Anyone else have this problem?????


  • I dont, but try putting calamine lotion, or caladryl on them. Itll take the itch away. You can get either at any drug store, wal mart, target, etc.
  • I get lil bumpy things on the my thigh n top part of my arm .. they are so annoying i try pop em thinking they spots or summut but they dnt go ! :-(
  • I have them on my legs. They itch for a couple days and then go away. And they will POP up somewhere else. I have extremely dry skin so I just chalked it up to that.
  • edited July 2011
    sounds like eczema. weird thing i had a little as a kid and this yearr before i got preg it came back in tiny spots its so itchy. i heard it can get worse during pregnancy.. my doc gave me a cream but when the spot goes away i notice the spot somewhere else lol if it is eczema its from being dry. i use dove soap, lubriderm lotion like the doc told me but idk if it really helps..
  • @redhead25

    Wow. Eczema never even occurred to me! I guess because I've never had it before. My son used to have it bad until we got it taken care of. I feel silly that I know it so well, yet I had no idea that's what was wrong with me! Luckily, I know exactly how to take care of it! 20 min bath soaks followed by Vanicream. So strange the things pregnancy can do to you.

    Thanks so much!
  • yeah i think so.. because i get mines in small itchy spots that size. maybe u can show ur doctor at ur next visit and ask
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