Irrational Fears; Makes ya go Hmmmm...

edited July 2011 in Health
So I'm sitting here munchin on a bag of trail mix and it hits me...can unborn babies be allergic to say, nuts? My fiance says no, and I've never heard of it plus you would think we wouldn't be allowed to eat it. But if they are not born allergic, then why does it develop? Something in the back of my mind wants to say I've heard it has to do with being introduced to early or something of that, I'm crazy I know. It just made me stop and wonder.


  • it does make you wonder. however i know it is developed. my son had never had nuts, peanut butter or anything of the kind and when we found out he had an egg allergy they did a series of panels. found out he is highly allergic to nuts, even the mere contact will send him into anaphylactic shock. a friend's son had pb on his hand and somehow touched my son when he was at day care. he was sent to the hospital with epipen injected and everything. i agree- strange how things work
  • I watched something awhile ago and I think they said something about diaper rash cream...that now a days we use it so much and it has something in it that can cause nut allergies. It was awhile ago and I have preggo brain so I could be totally off base but thats what I remember.
  • Yikes @survivormommie3 that's scary. I've been lucky so far to never be allergic to anything, as a matter of fact I don't believe anyone in my family that I know of is, so hopefully baby Joseph will be the same.
  • @redhead25 really? lol that's crazy. Sometimes I wonder if scientists don't just like to blame something to make themselves sound smarter lol. Kinda like everything causes cancer now days. And lead paint and all that crud. We survived it...makes ya wonder if we are not setting ourselves up to be genetically weak. The more we isolate ourselves the less able our bodies are to build defenses.
  • I completely agree with you. I don't even use diaper rash family comes from generations of farmers and we always use utter cream for cows...sounds weird but its worked for generations and no nut allergies in my family lol
  • My son has severe allergies (including peanut) as well as asthma, used to have severe eczema. We've seen the best doctors in the country (not exaggerating). I believe they tend to lean towards saying genetics are the leading cause of allergies.
  • There has been a spike in childhood allergies over the last 10-15 years...I can't help but wonder if part of that is due to our hyper-filtered-sanitized-germaphobe-no playing outside anymore society...our kids don't get exposed to stuff so when they do their little bodies freak out...who knows???
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