Baby doesn't feel real

I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant, and this will be my second child with my partner. I obviously love this child a lot and i'm gearing myself and my toddler up for the new addition to the family. But everyday feels like i've just found out i'm pregnant again and I can't believe it, which just makes me a bit uneasy. Does anyone else feel like this? I know it'll be fine once baby is here but I keep half expecting to wake up and it's been a dream all along. :-/


  • I feel the same way. I'm seventeen weeks. and with my first its like i had such a huge connection with my baby. and with this one i will be playing with my son and he will want to talk to the baby (and I be like oh yeah I have sweet baby) It's hard because with my son there was the huge connection . and I love this baby I just het worried bc it doesn't feel the same ad the first pregnancy.
  • Sorry for spelling mistakes new touch phone not use to yet lol
  • You might want to discuss this feeling with your OB. I have suffered from post pardum depression since after my first child was born and it started with very strong feelings of "unbelief" during that pregnancy. Its not something I would suggest anyone have to go through. Because of everything that happened as a result of that, I didn't bond correctly with my daughter and even now 6 years later we still struggle. I'm not saying that is what you might be showing signs of, I'm just talking from my own experiance and hopefully help someone to avoid it.
  • That is useful advice. I did experience depression too after my first but I think this was due to the fact I didn't find out I was pregnant with him until I was in my third trimester. I will talk with my midwife just to be on the safe side. Thanks. :-)
  • Yeah I talked to my ob about pp depression and she told me to go type in stress . She said most depression is brought on by stress. Well anyways it is helping. I still get worried about the connection sometimes but if I do end up needing post depression pills I want it after the baby is born. But check out the web site it helps.
  • @sheridan, how did u not know u were pregnant until ur third trimester ? :o were u big at all?
  • I had very irregular periods and I didn't show at all, even at full term I barely looked 6 months. There wasn't any symptoms at all! When I did get pains in my abdomen my doctor said I wasn't pregnant, but had a kidney infection. When I went back a month later with even worse pain, I seen another doctor who said I was 7 months pregnant. I don't understand myself how they missed it the first time round!
  • Whoa that's crazy, kinda like "i didn't know I was pregnant"
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