stomach ache at night

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 8 w 4 days and get stomach aches at night. This had been happening since about 5 weeks. It's mainly throughout the night, not bad just kind of any annoying stomach ache. Has anyone else experienced this or know what may help?


  • May be hunger pains
  • Nah it ain't no hunger pains it's like evening sickness instead.of morning its weird aatzert I'm with you u hate it I used to be a night person now I go to sleep all early because I feel sick I'm 8 weeks 3 days I go to my doctor March 1st I'm gonna talk to her about it supposedly they have nausea pills that you can take I'll let you know... good luck girl
  • thanks! Yeah don't think its really hunger pains. I don't know, just kind of an annoying ache. I typically only have sickness in the afternoon and night.
  • That happenends to me I think I'm dreaming at times but it happenends to me too!
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