This SUCKS:( (vent long)
I hate doing this alone......It is soooo hard to stay positive.......I am seperated from my boys father on my way to divorce, but I had a momentary lapse of judgement I december and now I am 8 months pregnant....I HATE him for not being here for us. He is 34 years old and constantly chooses to pursue a music carreer as a rapper. He has sacrificed everything for it with very little pay off. It hurts sooo bad because he refuses to make me and his kids the main priority in his life. He would rather be perfoming at a club in the studio or shooting a stupid ass "you Tube" video that he thinks is gonna give him the next big oppurtunity out there!!!! Mean while I work full time take care of our boys and deal with all the ups and downs a this crazy pregnancy:( I feel sooo stuck......
Wish I had some advise, but I have friends who are still living through it or who have ended their relationships because their husbands have to hold on to these dilusions of grandeur. It's really just something that he has to decide to do on his own. It sucks! Sorry that you are going through it....