opinions on ear piercing



  • I got my first daughters at 12 months but didn't get my other girls done. She's 11 years today and really wants them done but is to scared...I wish is had them done earlier.
  • I think i would wait until my little girl asked me, it should be HER choice. I wouldn't want someone peircing anything on me without asking. ;)
  • I will have my little girls done. :) as soon as my mom was able, she took us to get ours done and i want to do the same with my little one. :-)
  • I'm choosing to wait until they ask to get them done. I'm of the opinion that it's their body so it should be their choice. My oldest wants to get hers done for her 7th birthday in February :-)
  • I want to get my baby girls done as soon as we can but not sure if we are going to be able to after she is born because right now we have to pay for her and our wedding so we are a little tight on money right now I'm so glad that im getting a baby shower
  • just a thought. I have a niece who is 2. n she sends me w my lip pierced. n she asks for one already. lol.
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