Omg...Hell to the ya!! Lol I started contractions at about 1:30am on a tues and they came around every 5 to10 mins some only lasted 40 sec some a whole min. And I did this till Fri afternoon. I even went to my last birthing class having contractions. I couldn't take the pain any more so I went into ld at around 4:30am on Fri, when checked I wasn't dialted but I was 100% afaced and soft. So they sent me back home and that afternoon I had my last ob app at 1:30pm and when checked I had dialated to 5cm on my own at home. And that nite I had my little monkey at 7:28pm 6lbs 7oz Unfortunatly it had to be by csection. I never went past 5cm even with the patocin. He was stressing and needed to get out of there quick and thank goodness we did it this way because the cord was wraped around his neck and body. So ya it happens....