stressing out, prego and drama... sighn

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Everything is not right. Hubby always yelling at me, doubting me, always mad. I dont know guys. Its not good for me at all and for the baby. He is far and i am doing this on my own, family dont support me, they dont care. Oh guys, feel like giving up. Everything is falling apart. Im only 5 weeks and nothing is looking good, just going down the drain. Im so tired....sorry. i just wanted to express my feelings on here, thanks. Ii guess i just gotta hope for the better still.


  • TRy and be as positive as poss there is a volnurable person that needs you now. Your partner maybe finding the change hard to talking is the best thing. When I had my daughter I lost my job my home my partner lived 65 miles away but I stayed positive I now have a beautiful girl a house im due to get married and another baby on the way it just takes time. I hope everything turns out for the best for you :-D x
  • Hi mammanouchee
    Where do u live? It might be possible to set up a support group based on people from this site and ur location.
    Maybe our app creator can help with that.
    Do things together...the buddy system.

    Hang in there. It will get better.
  • Hey, im total stressed out too, i'm 6 weeks pregnant, i'm 19, i have no job, my boyfriends in his second year at uni and lives away from me, i live with my mum and darnt tell my parents, and my boyfriend darnt tell his parents, and im just so tired and stressing out over little things, im constantly either in a mood or on verge of tears. This baby wasnt planned but now that its here i cant wait, i want to give it the best life possible but i just dont know if i can do it, i need to grow up so much and ive got 7 months to do it in. I'm just so used to not caring and going out with my friends getting drunk and having good times and just acting stupid but now i cant do that stuff, But im not complaining cos i'm blessed to have a child inside if me its just hard work. Wish i could talk to someone, i try talking to my boyfriend but its hard for him to understand even though hes trying his best to understand....
  • Im sorry hun. But you know you always got to try your best at everything. I tried talking to mine and he understands but when i do little things or say something, he takes it the wrong way then argue argue argue. Oh well, its alright there is always a brighter side to everything, just gotta strive on.
  • haha exactly the same, just arguing over stupid stuff like proper stupid things what we would usually just laugh about, doensnt help that my hormones are making me so moody. but like you said, just got to strive on, and try your best....
    got to keep going haaa.
    will all be ok in the end
  • Omg....sorry to hear that ideas happening to some of you girls out there...
    My hubby n I are 28yrs old, our first baby, and I also have an awesome 6yr old stepson.... my I'm blesses to have my husband in my life...he is super understanding....
  • The baby can feel if ur upset. Cut him off just for a little bit. Don't call him don't answer his calls. Do this for about a week. This will drive him crazy. Be strong, treat people how u want to be treated. Looks like he wants u to treat him badly. So do it see what happends.
  • Sorry to hear that. Its so hard when the one person who is suposed to suport you let's you down. I would just back off for a bit. Give him some space. Let him figure out his end. Try to take some time for your self. Find a friend or just some one you can go to coffee, or just hang out for a couple hrs with. Take a breadth. Get out of the drama even for just a few hrs. Pick up the book what to expect when your expecting its a great tool and fun to read. You can tune out the neg and focus on the amazing blessing that's going on. Try to choose to be happy. Even when your not feeling it. Of it takes renting a funny movie or taking a long walk. Do things that you know well lift your mood when things get hard. Its better for you and your child.
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