belly button leaking?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I tried searching this but didn't have any luck. Has anyone had their belly button leak? I woke up with a stain on my tank top that is double the diameter of my belly button.


  • Exactly I have no idea. I felt inside it wasn't wet or anything I just saw the stain. :/
  • @whoaababy lol hun its sweat ur bb isnt leaking....the only reason I know is because when I was preg with my 1st I had the same thing happen to me and asked my doc if it was leaking, dont stress plz.
  • Im not stressing really just curious if its a normal side effect is all.
  • idk if its a side effect of pregnancy only bcuz ive heard of it happening to others as well who arent pregnant but it def is normal, ur bb just got a lil to warm is all.
  • I have had it happen actually, but not while being pregnant. If it really is your belly button leaking, and not sweat... what I did was clean it out. Use a q-tip just once (Idk about you but I have an innie, it's uncomfortable to stick it in, so be gentle) that's been dipped in hydrogen peroxide, while you're laying down. This will just clean it out a little bit. It's a belly button for crying out loud. :) Then take a cap full of the hydrogen peroxide and pour a little bit slowly into your bb. Let it finish bubbling. It'll take about 5 to 10 minutes. Keep up with cleaning it! If anything, it's fun to lay there and watch it bubble. Afterwards, just soak it up with a cotton ball or tissue. You can do this as much as you want. HP is safe to use, especially while pregnant.

    I remember looking it up the last time it happened (it's been a while, but I think in the last couple years) and it said it just happens. It's not the end of the world. Just keep in clean, and it'll be closed back up in no time.
  • Especially since you said it was a stain, I don't think it was sweat.

    But yes, it is possible to sweat around there. :)
  • @bigtalkingtori are you sure that hp would be okay to use while pregnant? It don't sound safe, the umbilical cord is there and that's where the baby gets his/her food and lots more stuff.
  • edited July 2011
    The cord is not attached to our belly buttons so I think it would be safe. The cord is attached to our placenta and the babies belly button but not ours. @MommyLovesSparkle
  • Hana. @MommyLovesSparkle I'm not laughing at you at all. When I was a kid, I thought that's how belly buttons worked. Just infinitely continued. After being pregnant, I read on here someone saying they had pain near their bb and thought it was the baby pulling on the cord. I remember thinking, "Hey wait a minute.... that's just about the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" I had never really thought about the cord being attached to the placenta, which is attached to the uterus. Like one of those things that you know but then... don't realize you know. :)

    Yes! It is okay to use. Promise. Even better, if you feel like you're starting to get a cold, let it bubble in each ear. Gets rid of the bacteria that goes in and stops it from turning into a full blown cold (most commonly comes in through the nose or ears). Don't recommend the nose though. I've heard it is pretty uncomfortable. Also, using food grade hp to swish around in your mouth if you have an infection there. Always forget to use it before getting a cold, but it has stopped ear infections from getting worse. You just have to use it before they progress. Or you can just use it to keep your ears clean in general. :P

    The furthest thing I have read about is drinking a small amount of diluted food grade hp, as it supposedly kills off benign tumors. Some even say cancer. Far fetched, but the science behind it sounded... plausible. Lol. I have a cyst in my wrist and thought about trying it, but I'll wait til I'm not pregnant as I have no experience with food grade hp. Probably going to have surgery anyway. Ugh.

    But. The stuff is pretty incredible at oxidizing bacteria. Look it up! :)
  • P.S. - It doesn't hurt. Just tingles and tickles. :)
  • @bigtalkingtori I get what your saying about the umbilical cord being attached to the placenta and placenta to uterus but I would still be scared, that's just me I want to be as natural as possible with this pregnancy no medicine at all even if doctors claim its "safe". (Except antibiotics to kill the cold or whatever, Ohh and except when I'm in labor) I've done enough research to basically deliver someone's child ;)

    But if your cool with it and It's fine for you by all means go for it. :)
  • If you want to, you can look it up online. You don't have to use it though. But it is safe and it does work. I've had to look up quite a bit of what to use and what not to use for me during this pregnancy. Heh. I don't even go for the antibiotics during a cold (unless there's some complication). I think they over prescribe. =/
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