I Forgot What I Was Gonna Post About (Super long)

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
Oh yeah, NOW I remember what I was gonna post about. This crazy pregnancy memory loss! Even just after a month of being pregnant, I noticed it happen. It even caused problems at my job. Yeah, I lost my job because my head wasn't screwed on straight. Does that count as a disability? I digress...

Anyway, it's gotten so much worse.

How much worse, you ask? My latest forgotten thing... I have no idea where I put my engagement ring!

I wore it last Monday when a friend took me to get some groceries. I usually wear it out of the house, but take it off when I get home and put it on my fiancee's desk. Reason being, the ring is too big, and until we get it resized, it's just really uncomfortable to have on (it jabs into the bone of my pinky and middle finger, twists around, and I can feel it in my sleep).

So... when I really realized it was missing and it wasn't me just deciding not to wear it, a little later in the week, I tried to retrace my steps. But wait, what steps were those??

It took me another couple days for me to even remember that I had worn it last Monday. It could have been Sunday. Idk anymore. I just remember wearing it out. Oh, wait. It was Tuesday July 5th. I remember having to go to the post office for a package they didn't deliver. Oh wonderful it was the week before last! WTF IS WRONG WITH ME.

So. I tried to remember what I did when I got home. Very sure it was on when I got home. It made it inside this house I swear!

So I remember I first put stuff away in the kitchen and at some watermelon. Blood sugar was low. My friend left, and then I went upstairs to finish the watermelon at my fiancee's desk (shhh... don't tell). This is when I would think I would have taken it off. Perfect opportunity. It's uncomfortable to leave on while typing. And this is normally where I leave it. He also leaves his ring on the desk (don't ask me why he wears his ring... he said he wants to get used to how heavy it is. Lol) so I just started keeping it there where he sets his.

After the watermelon was finished, I'm pretty sure I took a nap. Blood sugar was low before then and when I catch up with it after eating, I almost always sleep. Pass out. Whatever. ;)

And then it's blank. Gone. The only thing I remember about the rest of that night was the bf coming home, and I wanted to cook for him. I'm pretty sure that was the night I did cook. I had been contemplating it the week before but he just wanted to sleep. My brain is confused.

Unfortunately, my normally awesome photographic memory is failing me immensely. Fiancee knows it's been missing since I realized it. I thought it was on his desk, but it wasn't there when I asked him to grab it. Had a massive freakout over it. We had it insured, so we can have it covered. It sucks because it was really unique and they said there weren't anymore like it left when we picked it out.

So I told my guy to give me until Monday to find it. I already tore apart the usual spots before, but now I'm starting to clean it, massively. It's so tiny but it's sparkly so how could I miss it?

I woke up at 2am and overhauled the bathroom counter cus I set it there when I take a shower or sometimes when I wash my hands.

So tomorrow (well, today) I'm going to overhaul every inch of our room. Not really excited. I'm afraid I wont find it, and that means it's gone, most likely. I'm afraid that I may have put it somewhere I normally put it, but that it got moved, especially unknowingly, by someone else. What if it was on the counter and someone moved something and it fell down the sink? What if it was on my bf's desk but it got shuffled into some trash and was thrown away?

I even asked my fiancee if he took it back and is hiding it so he could properly propose to me (we're a little unconventional, I guess. We talked about it many times, and asked each other about getting married, many times. When we went to look at rings, it was so he would know what size I was and what style I liked. And then all of a sudden he says, "Hey, let's get them today." I loved it so much, I just started wearing it then and there.). Haha. Surprise! Yeah, but he said he didn't. Aw. No surprise for me.

At this point, what if flipping ninjas came into our room while I was sleeping, ignored every other item of value we own, and took my flipping ring??

I'm going crazy here. This symptom makes me hate being pregnant. It is way worse than puking up to week 17. And you ladies should know how much that sucks...


Someone make me feel better? Or offer advice? I feel like poop.

It smells like poop. I think my bf is farting in his sleep. Thaaaaaaanks sweetie. :)

At least I can still make myself laugh. Even at 5am....


  • LOL

    Hopefully it turns up..:)
  • Lol this post is hilarious. I wish I had advice, but i can't remember anything anymore either!!!
  • I am trying so hard not to wake my bf because I can't stop laughing. I'm in a weird mood this morning. Maybe baby liked that apple pie I had after dinner... :P

    Oh my gosh, I can still remember what I had for dinner.
  • I kept gettin into trouble at work whilst prego for the same reason.. I work ib a bank and have keys to ur own till tht u r responsible for and have to keep on u at all times. I kept forgettin them puttin them ib silly places and eventually they had to give me a documented discussion and my boss even said r u sure u r not jus usin tht as an excuse?! Sorry have u been prego?.no
    but ot was like i wud put things down but not comprehend in my brain tht i put it down here..
  • Heh. Yeah... the same exact thing happened to mleast! I worked at a bank. Forgot the keys a few times. I was new to that whole thing of being responsible for work keys. They called HR and my assistant manager had an informal discussion with me. Then later I actually lost them for almost a week, and they had to replace the locks. I offered to pay for it, but they said I didn't need to and were a bunch of bitches about it, saying it cost so much money and time, blah blah blah. I could have paid for it, somehow, but whatever...

    You wanna know where they were? In the back pocket of my purse, where I always put them. The fabric got twisted up into my purse and was hiding them. I wanted to cuss up a storm! I tried to tell my boss but she hung up on me on the phone. Reeeeeaal professional. Sucks cus I had a lot of respect for her.

    A couple days later, my boss and I agreed I met. When I had previously called HR over the matter, they suggested I could go on leave through my branch since my family medical wasn't active yet. But she said no, as she was about to go on leave for a couple months and another girl had just gone on maternity leave for 6 months. I just wanted 2 weeks to a month maximum. So I said I couldn't be there, and she agreed.

    It's a way longer story than that (assistant manager was harassing me, rooted at me being pregnant). But yeah. It sucked, to say the least.

    I feel your pain!
  • *me. Not mleast. Dumb phone...

    If my boss would have listened about me finding the keys, the locks wouldn't have been redone. Turned in the keys when I left, which was the next time I saw her.

    Oh, @hays_baby :)
  • Lol love this post exactly how I am! My DH calls it my pregnancy head cause I literally can not remember if I put my glasses on or not....( they are on my face :"> ) I will start tapping my eyes to see if they are there. Mind you I am BLIND with out them should be a no brainer if I have them on or not!!! Nope not for me-- and let's not talk about how many times I have locked my keys in car. I think my little one has taken all my brain power all of it cause I am so into DUH stage! LMAO hmm going to reread this post it's great bet it will make LOL again just like I never read it before. :-))
  • Hana. I hope it does cus every time I read it, it's like it's the first time for me too. Heh. As if I forgot it already... but kinda. Yeah. I think I'm being serious about that. Okay so I am going to read it again, but mainly because I forgot what I wrote. SMH...

    Bahh. I always lose my glasses cus my bf moves them. I am blind too. The other day I told him I lost them since the night before and he said he put them on the shelf. I guess that's what I get for throwing them on the floor. But at least then I knew where they were! He always has to help me find them, cus I just can't see them. Lol.

  • Oh, and I'm also guilty of poking my face to see if they're there, too. On or off. Lol. Especially at the computer or during a movie. I think I'm due for a checkup. :P

  • @Mylittleman2011

    I did that too. But I really only wear my glasses before bed and early morning as I'm starting the day until I put my contacts in. I have horrible vision and can't even go to the bathroom with out my glasses on. When I was preggo we were on our way to dinner out and I start freaking out because I forgot my glasses. He thought I ment sun glasses so he kept telling me that It was dark out and I wouldn't need them it wasn't until I started crying that I wouldn't be able to read the menu that he ponted out that in the five years that we have been together I have never gone out in glasses unless I had no choice. I just kind of sunk down in the chair and pouted mumbling something that could of been an apologie. ~:>
  • >:D< im so glad I'm not alone with being blind and forgetting my glasses!! Lol @conreeaght & @bigtalkingtori
  • Update!

    Bahhhh so my fiancee told me he wants to keep waiting before we let the insurance company know. Why? Because there's a $500 deductible. Ugh. :(

    I've gone from feeling better about the situation, right back to feeling super crappy. Where the heck is this ring??
  • Update!

    Fiancee found my ring! It was right on his desk where I put thought I put it. He just wanted me to go crazy and have a heart attack for the last 2 weeks.

    I made him rearrange his desk/guitar area and was hoping it would be there. As it turns out, when he had everything off his desk, it was sitting there. Annoying enough cus I made him lift everything up like 5 times before and it wasn't there. Hmmm.... I'm just glad it didn't get thrown away.

    I'm a happy girl. :P
  • Wow! I hope you're planning revenge! Lol
  • Lol. @alilboulding I'm making him rearrange the entire room atm. "Hey so what did you do on your only two days off?" "Oh, I cleaned the house and did laundry..." :P I think the only reason he's actually doing it is cus I'm not saying he has to cus of the ring. Bwahaha.
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