yea... i just started feeling it last night.. but i've felt it all day today and tonight.. i mean there were a few hrs in between when i didnt feel it. But its weird.. like i'm getting flicked or something how weird.
yea i havent felt anything, and then i started feeling this.. glad i can finally feel something i was wondering why i havent felt it.. but the tech said at the ultrasound that she still had alot of room in there so i wasnt worried or anything.. just anxious.
@cant_wait_until_july OMG mine too. She was stretching and moving and going crazy!!!! But still couldnt feel a thing! But the twitching feeling is really weird..
Ahhh I feel this all the time like once a day atleast. I'm only 16 weeks so its earlyy but I deff feel this it feels like a weird twitch in my bladder!
I've been having that for awhile for me i know its the baby kicking/punching because I usually feel the baby moving towards my bladder and away after the feeling is gone lol it started around the same time it has for ya'll and i'm 33 1/2 wks and its still going on but i learned whenever it have that feeling i do have to go the bathroom, its usually the only way I know now cause the normal "urge" is slower than baby to realizes there's something in my bladder lol :-))
Sometimes its baby pushing on stuff. But that also sounds a lot like Braxton hicks. Feels like a zinging sensation with a needing to pee sensation then goes away? Especialy if you feel tightness with it, or a gliding or rolling across your tummy.. Totaly normal And about the right time to start feeling them more.