WHAT did you just say to me???

My mother in law and father in law live right across the road from hubby and me. I have a son from prev. Relationship and the father is not in the picture, my hubby has been there since my son was 2 weeks old (hes going to be 2 in sept), so as far as anyone is concerned he is the father.

So we were coming back from the in laws house the other day and our next door neighbors new gf was out having a smoke on their front deck. As we were walking by she shouted something out to us, but we couldnt hear her, so we walked a little closer and asked her to repeat what she said. She then shouts " im not trying to have a f*ckin face to face conversation with you, i just wanted your slut to know her kid is f*cking ugly as sh*t!!"

I was so stunned i just stood there and stared, hubby went off his head cursing and swearing at her.

The nerve of some people!!

(That is me and my son in my picture. He is far from ugly!!


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