omg who else is sooo annoyed with their man???

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
We do not live together, and we used to hang out almost everyday now he never wants to see me and he is so annoying everything he does I want to rip his head off ahhhhhh how do I deal with these crazy hormones bc I feel like strangling him sometimes lol not literally but you know what I mean


  • It helps to go for a walk or be by urself for a little while. I know how u feel, my bf can lay in the bed the wrong way at night an ill start crying an get very angry an try to push him out the bed. So I know all to well how u feel :)
  • Lol they really just don't get it he makes me so mad I cry and he laughs like ahhh but thanks :)
  • edited February 2011
    My man may have ruined my day today... but it really shouldn't have.

    He woke me up early (on time, actually. I just always sleep in anymore) to help him clean because the pest control people are going through our apartment complex. He told me I had had plenty of sleep. I stormed out of the room and cried while doing the dishes.

    And then there were the little things later in the day. But as I made him hug me while I lay in bed for a minute (he wasn't ready to sleep yet) he got nit picky because I said it would be fine if I cooked my sandwhich in the toaster oven instead of microwaving the lunchmeat at my midwife recommended because she said the listeria is really sensitive to heat. A fight about that. Seriously.

    It shouldn't have ruined my day. Bit today was horrible. He told me he had ruined my morning and my evening and he felt bad. I lol'd and said he hadn't.... but I hope he doesn't read this thread.
  • ur not the only one my bf is really getting on my nerves more and more smh!!
  • My man pisses me off everytime he watches american idol!! I hate that show!!! Hes watching it right know! Just want to turn off the tv!
  • My husband makes me angry as hell. He knows when im in a bad mood and takes it to far. Such as today he pinned me down and licked all over my arms and cheeks. Ug. So gross and I almost started crying! I feel bad tho some times I just get angry for no reason.. and I know that.
    how does everyone else cope?!
  • Well I hate mines at the moment he has done nothing but piss me off since I found out. Whenever I yell scream rant he laughs and then tells me I need a timeout because my hormones are on the blitz no your just and ass
  • Omg, mine drives me nuts I think he is more sensitive then me. I can't even tell him how my emotions & feeling are cause he takes everything personally. I am so behind on cleaning, laundry & have no groceries but I don't even want his help, because all he will do is make fun of me & lecture me on how I need to be doing stuff. At least we don't live with each other I couldn't stand that right now. He says he's supportive but that consist of asking me each day how I'm feeling & that gets the job done, lol. I've tried to tell him how he could actually be supportive but I finally gave up. Men will never understand what it feels like to be pregnant..
  • ya i was upset at my husband earlier..i was telling him how his mom totally hurt my feelings earlier and he proceeded to stick up for her and began telling me how I "overreact" before he could get it all out i began crying...he just hugged me....then i went and sulked in the bathtub... he then interrupted me to ask what was for supper!
  • I get I'm a selfish, dramatic brat and he is sick of me telling about everything. Like hello I could use some help.... all you do is eat sleep and work. I go to school, work, take care of 3 girls, clean, cook and a million and one things on top of being ill all day tired and peeing every ten minutes can't I get a break damn
  • Yeah my bf knows nothing about pregnancy or hormones and now that I told him..he uses the pregnancy thing everytime I get mad. I think I'm a pretty laid back pregnant woman n ppl have agreed...I have put up with a lot of bs while being pregnant and he either doesn't get it or doesn't care to try to make things better or easier for me. I hope he learns along the way but honestly, it doesn't look hopeful...I didn't even get a card for valentines day :(
  • Lmao . Every time my fiance and I get into another round I always get irritated when he asks toooooo much questions. I mean he's like a massive headache even when I don't even know why I'm mad.. but then when he says somethin bout it I just tell him

    Me: I'm sry, but what exactly do I have?
    Him: ...a vagina...
    Me: annnnnnd..?
    Him: ......*sigh in defeat * ... a baby whose giving u crazy hormones....
    Me: good, now give me a massage.

    Ahhh the joys of winning ;)
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