too soon for marriage?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My bf and I have been together six months going on 7. We got pregnant two months after we started dating and I also moved in with him. He is talking about getting married before the baby comes. ( I'm due in June.) And I want to marry him and not just cuz of the baby. But is it too soon? Should we wait?


  • I think if you got to ask if its to soon then you should wait. That's just my opinion
  • After reading your other post I would wait until after the baby is born. While you're pregnant you're going through so many changes emotionally, physically & if you haven't been together long then that doesn't really help because you don't know how you will get along & if your feelings will stay the same. Better to make that decision after you've been together longer & after the baby comes.
  • I got pregnant after 4 months of dating we got married when I was 4 months along and we r due anytime...just depends on u. If u really love each other it doesnt matter how much time has passed.
  • I say if its only been 6 months and your already having conflicts you should give it more time. I also feel that you should be ready and able to get a place of your own. Its going to be hard enough just adding the baby to the mix. No reason to jump into getting married.
  • I know that I wanna marry him. I've thought about it plenty. He can be an asshole about things and I know I'm a bitch at times but we do love each other very much. I really just want anyone's opinion.
  • Me and my husband was living together the second day we was dating and married our third month. We are almost going on a year and couldn't be happier. If you know in your heart its right then go for it. But also remember its never to late to get married but it can be to late to get a divorce. Just make sure your fully ready before you say the big i do
  • My husband and I got pregnant 5 months after we met. We got married 5 months into the pregnancy and will have been married for 3 years in June. I love him more and more as time goes by. I just have to say I was a huge bitch to him because I was afraid of being hurt. I didn't let him act like an ass or be a jerk. If he ever did I would call him out on it. You gotta be strong and stand up for you. If you don't feel like you can be that way when he's being an asshole I would wait. Good luck lady.
  • If I were you I would wait. Things change after babies come into the picture. I think it would be best to wait until at least 6 months after the baby comes to start planning a wedding.
  • I agree with @debs if you need to ask, you need to wait. (In my opinion. :x) my bf wanted to get married when we found out we were pregnant but I'm selfish. I want my wedding to be about me!! I want to drink champagne, dance and def not worry about hurting a baby inside me. :)
  • .. what is the point in marriage? If you love each other, live together, and is already having a baby. What difference does a piece of paper make? I say you save the money for baby and then you can have a fantastic wedding eventually and have fun!
  • Well I've been in your same situation I was with my sons dad for 4 months then ended up prego moved in with him (it was good at first) moved back to my parents after living with him 2 months(it was his sis fault I moved out) I loved him and all I saw myself marrying him so we did.. then EVERYTHING CHANGED! Baby was born I got a full time job he did nothing! Never! Didn't help out financially at all when he did have a job for 2 months he spent the money on himself. I'm remarried now to my wonderful husband; sons dad is in prison. Not saying that's gonna happen to you but I say wait a couple months after baby is born bc things will change.. just wait and see if you still feel the same about 3 months or so after the baby..
  • We met and were pregnant one month later. We got married 6 mo later on halloween. The location we pick only cost$ 100 and we just had parents there but that was all either of us wanted for a wedding all along anyway. We r on year number two and baby number two.
  • It's great that you two are talking about marriage but like some of the other girls have said, after the baby is born people and everything else will change. Not saying it won't work out but marriage is huge and final. (Well, unless you're a celebrity.) Although my boyfriend and I have talked about getting married I know I want to wait until after the baby is here and see how the idea feels then. Plus I don't want a small courthouse wedding and those take time to plan ;)
  • My mom and step dad got married after only a month together and this past october the celebrated their 19th wedding aniversary so no body can say it is too soon except urself
  • You have to take a step back and realy evaluate the situation. Are you really in love with the man he is? Is this someone you see waking up next to every day? Raising kids? Is it someone who is going to be there for you and your kids through thick and thin? Are you both ready for a life long commitment? Because it is a big step. Its not just a piece of paper. Its swearing your life and commitment to one another. And its sharing everything. If things don't work out you don't just tare up a piece of paper. You have to deal with splitting everything you have, who gets what kind of custody, who pays for what. And it hurts more than just you. I was young and in a hurry to get maried. Ended up with a guy I thought was good, though he had his issues. But I found out real quick I maried a loser who lied, cheated and I supported. Destroyed my perfect credit. And ended up having to pay off HIS car and His creditcards befor I could get my life started. That was without kids!! That said, I met my husband and we moved in together in 3mo and were maried in 6. I knew exactly what I wanted at that point though. And he was on the same page! BIGGEST thing!! We wanted the same things out of life! Now were about to celebrate our 9th wedding aniversary, and are having our 3rd baby. If your really looking at your future together seriously your will know :)
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