Here's my birth story!!!

edited July 2011 in Birth Stories
Well I would've written this earlier, but with 2 small children and 3 older ones to take care of at home there isn't alot of time for me. But my sweet baby boy Liam Keith was born Jul 3rd @ 3:30pm. He weighed 9lbs 5oz and 21in long. He was actually due 7-13-11, but on Sunday around 8:30am I woke up to get ready for church and noticed I was having some pain in my lower abdomen, it came and went a few times. It almost felt like bad gas pains, but I thought it was weird for them to be in my lower abdomen, and so i began to time them. THey started out at about 9 minutes apart and then my hubby awoke to see that I was in some discomfort. So I then decided to take a shower and see if the warm water would help and plus I wanted to be extra fresh in case this was really it, lol. So I got dressed, did my make-up and sat in my glider and continued to time my contractions, and my tummy was hard with each one, so I definately knew this was real. It was about 10:00am and they were now coming every 5-7 minutes. So were we went to the hospital, and got there at 12:00pm. Now keep in mind that Wednesday before (6-29-11) I wasn't dialted and his head was very high up. I got put in triage to be checked and I was praying to be at least 6cm, the nurse said I was 4cm, and I was like I'll take that! Lol. So I was admitted, also this is my 5th baby too. So things were going quickly. My doctor was out of town and so I got to meet the on call doctor, who was fantastic. He looked and sounded like the actor Dustin Hoffman, except with blonde hair. It was funny. So he came in to examine me and this was around 12:30-1:00pm, and so I was 6cm and he asked if he could break my water and at this point my pain was getting quite intense so I was like yes thinking it will spead things and my baby can be born. So after that I was now at 7cm... Yay! So he was so cool he actually sat in the room and would ask me stuff and monitor me, like the nurse would. I must've been the only paient he had the time, but still how many doctors wait around like that. HE was so nice and had great bed side manners. So he left for awhile (he was just down the hall) and so I sat on my birthing ball for a bit and contractions were anywhere from 2-5minutes apart. Some were so painful that I wanted to jump up. or curl up, but hurt to bad to move really. So I asked my nurse Lori to check me about an hour after water was broken and I was at 8cm. Yes!!! I knew it wouldn't be long, or at least I hoped. My doctor thought I'd deliver in about and hour, well that was about an hour ealier. Lol. So back on the ball I went and then fianlly I couldn't take it anymore and was feeling a little out of control, and hubby stayed beside and helped me focus on my breathing, which really does help believe it or not. I know what your wondering, did I get and epidural... NOPE! I planned on going ALL NATURAL, and I did! I'm so proud of myself. SO about 30 minutes or so later I was checked again and still was at an 8, ugh, really! SO my lower back was hurting and my doctor figured that baby's head was postieor (sp) meaning head facing up, and so he suggested I lay in the bed on my side and rotate every 5 minutes to see if that will help him turn his head facing toward my back. Well I layed there and was breathing beautifully through all my contreactions, you would'nt have thought I was in that much pain because I never made a sound. I was nice. But then all of a sudden my body jerked with a push, I yelled I need to push. So my nurse came back in and checked and I was at a 9, so she stretched my cervix while I contracted and had me push some and then I was fully dialted. YES! But uh oh, I couldn't stop pushing, my nurse who had one hand in me and the other hand was bare, page for the doctor(who was only about 15 feet away down the hall) and the baby nurses to come ASAP! His head crowned and she told don't push, but I couldn't stop. My body going on its own. Then his head was out. SHe told my hubby to give her a glove and he had to put the glove on her other hand and then i gave one fianl push and out came my precious baby boy Liam. My doctor walked into the room just as did the final push. So he came and cleaned me up, and told me that I had no tears, thank goodness. I didn't last time either, and I was so thankful for that again. So 3 out of 5 babies that I have had were all natural, and only 2 were with epidurals. Its funny, beacuse my 2 biggest babies which are my last 2 were my easiest and quickest. So my labor was for a total of 7 hours. and I was in labor/delivery for 3 and half hours. My sweet baby boy is so adorable and sweet. He so looks like a boy too. Lots of dark hair. He nurses wonderfully, and is a pretty good sleeper too. So My nurse delivered my baby, thats a first for me and we captured it all on video. I am so thankful and so very blessed with the precious life God has given to me again. I would do it all over again too. I just love being a mommy. Well I just wanted to share my story, sorry it was a bit long. I so enjoy reading all the other birth stories on here. We all are so blessed beyond measure. :)


  • :) congrats on an awesome birth
  • Congrats I hope I cango natural
  • that's awesome! good job!
  • congrats. Your story is great. I love reading everyons story too.
  • Good work lady..that's amazing you did it all natural! Congrates and welcome to the world baby Liam!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Omg congrats.
  • Congrats Melinda! This is bizarre but we share a birthday and our boys do as well!
    Jaden's dd was 6/25 but came late on 7/3
    I wasn't quite the warrior as u though. Lol pitocin kicked my butt, I got an epi after 2hrs in. lol Enjoy him! 2weeks flew by already!
  • Thank you everyone.
    @Jaime77 I know that is so neat. Now do you live in Florida, because if you do then that would be even more bizarre. I was actually due July 13th but he came 10 days early. Yeah i know how that Pitocin feels, my 2nd to last baby was an induction and I had the pit. I did manage to go all natural with her too, but man were those contractions so very painful. But either way with or with out pitocin, contractions just down right HURT!!! But it is all worth it. Just focusing on the end result helped. How is your little bundle of joy doing, and how are you feeling. I'm so glad you fianlly have your little guy now. I am so in love with my little boy. Such joy!
  • Congrats!!!
  • congratulations!
  • Wow! Congratulations!
  • Thank you everyone. :)
  • @melinda326
    Lol, nope I live in Pa now, orginally from Rhode Island & Mass.
    Jaden's doing great, my recovery has been slow, had a tubal and suffering from roids but it's soo worth it. Liam is handsome, Jaden does the same thing with his fingers too. Especially when it's feeding time, his hands go crazy all over his face. :) congrats again!!
  • He is cute, congrats and thats a lot of kids plus a baby you are a super mom :)
  • Wow congratulations so very happy for u ...i'm preggo wid my sec plz pray for me so I delivery quickly too :)
  • edited July 2011
    Congrats to you!! Props to you as well!!! I had the same thing happen to me as well. Only I had nurse wanna bes in my room and my doc almost got a speeding ticket trying to make it to the hospital in time. He was literally running down the hall in his street clothes to help delivery my daughter. The nurses had to throw scrubs over him to protect his clothes. I felt kind of scared bc I had nurses in there that had no idea wth to do in that case but they found out real quick! Lol. Glad things went pretty good for you! Enjoy your children! Are you planning on more?
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