Will very cold water hurt my babies?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
My husband and I are leaving this week for the Blue Ridge mtns in GA..our last "vacation " lol..we love to fish and I ALWAYS get in the Toccoa River when we go. Thing is, this river is about 45-50 degrees. I've got a trout float to wear so I'll be safe out there...just wondering if anyone knows if cold water is good or bad for them? I'm 30 weeks with twins...OB appt tomorrow and I'm gonna ask him too.


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  • I went swimming (not for long) in a cold natural spring last month. The only thing i noticed was she didn't move much for a little while after, i pictured her in a ball shivering lol!
  • Theres chances of catching cold and such and would cause stress to the babies. I wouldn't risk it.
  • I don't think the temp would be a problem, but the bacteria in the water COULD infect your cervix. Ask your doc his opinion specially if you've started dilating already
  • I asked my Dr about swimming in lakes and he laughed at me and said its perfectly fine to swim in a lake I don't know about the temperature I can't imagine it would hurt your baby maybe if your in all day long I dunno I think it'll be fine.
  • I swim all the time in the ocean its still pretty cold she kicked the crap out of me for a little your body is good about keeping the temp around the babies steady. You should be fine. It feels really good on the sore muscles and bones
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  • I definitely don't wanna freeze them or possibly cause contractions..as for dilating I haven't been checked yet @beaded_bunny. We may not be going after all though. We just heard they put chemicals in the river 3 wks ago for algae and its killed a lot of fish. If it kills a fish my butt ain't gettin' in it!
  • I would def ask the dr. I know you can't get in a hot tub, because the water raises your body temp too much, so I would imagine the same would hold true for really cold water, if it lowered your temp too much. But I don't know how cold "really cold" would have to be, lol!
  • @Mama_Kat she said cold water will be fine..their amniotic fluid will keep them warm ;) but she said for me to limit my time to like 1-2 hrs, and get out if I start to chill. As for bacteria, I'm not dilating yet and the river pretty much filters out the impurities...its a stage 2 and its always moving. Can't wait to get there now! :-)
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