babyshower venting.....

edited February 2011 in Baby showers
So my husbands sister and exwife took over my baby shower im very nervous and kinda stressed out about it. I don't really care for his exwife very much what should I do? Does anyone have advice? Thank you.


  • It will be fun, your gonna have all your friends and family there. If there are certain things your super stressed about make sure they know they should respect your wishes and have no reason not to.
  • Thank you I just know that she is the type of person that if its not about her she doesn't like it and will try to focus the attention on her. I don't know if I could handle that with out loosing my cool.
  • Its your baby shower and if you don't want something put ur foot down and say so. I'm not gonna let my bfs sister have complete control. I have ideas and Itell her the things I want. Her job is to put it all together.
  • Its not his sister im worried about. Its his exwife.
  • Same for her. And also if you don't want her involved say so. Wth can she do about it?
  • Why is his ex even involved w/ your shower?
  • She is paying for the shower and my hubby feels that its only right since she is the mother of out older children
  • Oh that's awkward. If you're not comfortable with it then I would talk to your husband. Do you have anyone else that could host it for you?
  • I originally did but she bailed on me when she realized how much stuff needed to be done. So yeah im pretty stuck.
  • That sucks but I still wouldn't let her have complete control. Maybe sit down and talk to her about it. She has kids she knew what it was like to have a baby shower. She could understand.
  • Thanks ladies.
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