Admitted for preterm labor :-(

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 30 weeks and a week and a half ago I ended up in ER for some bleeding. They said my cervix is closed, don't see any blood, and sent me off with a prescription for a UTI (same thing happened when I went to L&D at 24 weeks.) I called both my new and old high risk docs when I came home and they both said "Keep an eye on it and let us know if you notice a decrease in movement."

That seemed stupid to me so I finally went to L&D when I noticed a little more spotting Sunday afternoon. I was going on and on and on trying to get the doctor to not do the same old things and send me home and to please try to actually help. Well all that was unnecessary cause she said I was being admitted to monitor my contractions. Nurse came in immediately to give me steroids for my babies lungs and since the contractions were actually getting worse after a couple hours, 2 IV fluid bags, and 64 oz. of water later, they gave me a shot to help them stop. Which lasted for a while.

So this is my 2nd night here and I've gotten the other steroid shot as well as another shot to stop contractions. They're better and the good thing is that they weren't causing any changes to my cervix.

QUESTION: The plan has always been to induce me at 39 weeks, but do you think I might not even make it that far now?

I hope my docs feel like total *sses for ignoring my spotting and UTIs as risks for preterm labor and I'm glad I came to L&D instead of waited til Monday morning to call them and get brushed off again.


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