so why is he not understanding?

So I been having really bad contractions and they are painful I am even on medicine to try to stop them. So I am getting ready to take a shower and see if that helps cause they have been bad enough to stop me in my tracks. My hubby looked at me and said I don't see how being pregnant hurts so bad very other pregnant girl I have seen doesn't hurt like that. Ok well you have also never seen one having contractions like this and not to mention things hurt worse cause my body has been through alot I got pregnant shortly after I had to deliver our son last oct at 16 wks because we had lost him. He is so insensitive sometimes!!!! Sorry for vent just in pain and annoyed!!!


  • The answer to your ? is in the title it says HE not she lol my fiancee is so not understanding either really annoys me
  • Theres no way to make a guy understand how it feels to be pregnant, I thanks God my hubby tries his best to understand.
  • Has he talked to every pregnant girl about their pains. I highly doubt it... Smh!
  • The other day I told my hubby if he didn't want a drama queen or a sensitive partner he should have married his best friend, Joe ;)
  • I have 7 weeks to go and last night he looks at me and says 'no more complaining it can't be that bad. My back hurts too but I'm not bitching'. I think it was just a bad day, lots of stress but it really hurt so I know what you mean. They just don't understand..period. my good friend paul who has 2 kids told me the other day that he really didn't have any respect for the process or how amazing our bodies really are until he was in the delivery room with his first. I was there too and his attitude changed fast lol. Hope it gets better for ya and he stops being inconsiderate :(
  • @everyone thanks its just nice to be able to have somewhere to come to have people who understand. Its just frustrating when he is so inconsiderate now especially when I am only 33+4 wks and my contractions are not looking good so she could be here soon and I am stressed and in pain.
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