woman who already had kids????

edited July 2011 in Health
so igave birth 5 days ago...thing is with my other kids i i was okay will with this one im still retaing water ...my ankles still get swollen n hurt just like when i was pregnant..is it because im pumping or should i call my ob?


  • i would call ur ob. my swelling always got better after birth for me. but other mom's advice could be helpful too
  • ok thank my swollen did go down ....then all a sudden i got swollen again ater i stated pumping
  • You might need to still be monitored. I had like preeclampsia that got worse after my son was already delivered... are you feeling winded or more tired??
  • I swelled up a ton after birth. The dr said it was from all the ivs they give you in the hospital and you just laying in bed. And sure enough after a couple of weeks it went away
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