Is there a way around this???

edited July 2011 in Military moms
Today I had a doctor's appointment and I asked my doctor if she delivered at Womack (military hospital) and she told me NO!!!! ( I know I should've asked this before, but it completely slipped my mind) She told me the hospital that she does deliver at and I'm not too happy about delivering there. I've heard PLENTY of horror stories about it. I don't understand why military insurance would refer me to a civilian doctor that doesn't deliver on post :-?? . So I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this and if so how did you (if you did) get around it???? I'm not really sure who I need to talk to to be able to deliver at the hospital I want??


  • Maybe call tricare and talk to them about it. The only thing I can think of is to find s doctor that delivers there and switch to them.I switched at 35 weeks.
  • @armywife3 Why were you referred off post?
  • I'm not 100% sure but you can go ask someone in the referrel office. I do know that military doesn't have a choice but military wives have a choice as to where they want to deliver. Alson check with patient advocate on post at the hospital and see what they say. I am active duty and I tried my hardest to go off post but the army wouldn't let me but then I became high risk so they didn't have a choice. I complained 24/7 to patient advocate until they got me some answers. Good luck mama hope this helps.
  • @navybabyonway @miaradavis ...Thanks, I'll try that. I really hate to change my doctor this late in my pregnancy, but whatever it takes, I'll do it.

    @misskristin ... I was referred to an off post OB because the on post OB's were slammed. They told me they couldn't accept anymore patients due in September because there was a huge wave of babies due that month.
  • @armywife3 I would assume that even if you found a doc who could deliver on post, the post hospital may not have enough room. Are there any other civilian hospitals in the area that you would be comfortable with?
  • @misskristin're probably right. I didn't look into any other hospitals because I assumed my doctor delivered on base (esp since tricare referred me to her). I am going to go ahead and look into others, while I keep digging for info on how to get on base!!! Thanks :)
  • @armywife3 I hope whatever happens, that you have an amazing delivery experience. It is definitely the most personal of times for a woman and you deserve compassion and comfort as well as medical expertise. :)
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