No signs of labor!

edited July 2011 in July 2011
I'm Due today and there are no signs of this lil boy coming, I can't take it! L-)


  • Frustrating isn't it!! I was overdue as well. 8days before I had my induction. Hope you go into labor soon!!
  • Yes it is, thanks!
  • I bet you girls are DONE! LOL.. look at the bright side,atleast you don't have 13 weeks left to go like me. Ughhhh!
  • lol yes I remember reading everyones questions thats had lil to no time left n I was just beginning :)
  • it will happen any day now! i went one week over due with my first.. both times i had no signs of labor till the day of when i started getting contractions
  • @soon_2_b_his_mommy I am on the same boat. Due tomorrow 50% effaced and a fingertip dilated (wth kind of measurement is a fingertip?!?) They tried doing a membrane sweep today so will be walking this weekend
  • I'm still 6w7d away from my due date, but I will refuse to be induced unless it is absolutely necessary (like, the amniotic fluid begins to reduce and whatnot) because as much as I am ready to meet my little girl, she is a bit small and i don't want her to come out before she's ready. Induction is not on my list of things to do.
  • Almost four days late this july babies are loving us suffering in the heat.
  • I was 7 days overdue with my first and no signs of labor til my first contraction
  • I'm due tomorrow and not feeling any different. What's up with these stubborn babies lol
  • @mscheyla tip of a finger is a centimeter that's why they say that
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