help advice plz...braxton hicks contractions sure are painful

edited July 2011 in September 2011
So I could not sleep last night I was in so much pain I really thought I was going to have my baby already....but it wasn't time they went away around 430am has anyone gone threw this yet? And if so what do y'all do to so the pain would go away?


  • I dont think they are supose to hurt...maybe you should call your doc.
  • How far along are you? My bh didn't hurt me to the point of waking up out of my sleep. Maybe get that checked. If anything, take a nice warm bath
  • I went in to labor and delivery with painful contractions, thinking that braxton hicks shouldnt hurt and the nurse told me that it was braxton hicks and that sometimes they can be painful that the thing that differs them from regular contractions is that braxton hicks dont dilate you.
  • I get them bad too. Nothing really helps me but you're not alone, they can hurt! Also they are BH if just felt in your tummy. :)
  • I am 32 weeks and 5 days and I feel better now but I am afraid they might come back and my hubby is not here to calm me down he working...
  • Same Here
  • Im 34+1 n I get them bad, they wake me up at night, they come n go, but if they last long this works for me: I go pee, the walk to the rr works too, I come back n lay on my other side, they say its best to lay on ur left side, that works for me, but bh r just practice contractions, ur body is getting ready for the big day, they r suppose to b a lil uncomfortable, if they gey REALLY painful n come often I would call ur dr or l&d
  • Oh & drink water :)
  • I'm not sure if I'm lucky or not, but my BH only happen at night after I've gone to sleep. They wake me up several times a night, but they rarely happen during the day. I know they're BH cuz when I turn over they stop. But boy! One night I thought I was going into labor or something! UGH! And I do know that those super painful ones were BH cuz I had a pelvic exam the next day and Dr didn't say anything about me being dilated or anything. :)
  • Drink water not just one cup you might need more water thn u think I know I don't drink enough water but because of the weather I have been trying and take a hot bath it relaxes me! lay on. What ever side make u comfortable. With a between ur legs Relax in a swimming pool
  • Sometimes it still doesn't help me but good luck BTW I'm 32 weeks and 4 days
  • Well I'm 36 weeks & 3 days & I've had a lot of bh lately & yeah, they definately do hurt sometimes but like baby2ontheway said, i also use the rr, walk around for about 10-15 minutes then drink 2 glasses of *ice* cold water & lay down on my 'left' side & eat a cup of SONIC ice... only sonic ice cause its softer on my sensitive teeth...
  • BH hurt bad. Who said they don' they I had like 3 a couple weeks ago. But they hurt like hell. Idk I wasn't sleeping tho.
  • Some hurt and some don't it depends on the person my sister never felt them with both her children and I have with both of mine
  • im 32 weeks and have been to LD twice due to braxton hicks. Mine are 9 min apart and have been since Thursday night they are so bad it wakes me up, I can't get comfy, and my lower back hurts so so bad. The nurse said some people get them bad and some never even feel them. So don't think your alone!
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  • I get them really bad as well in my tummy and back. My Dr wasn't too concerned BC there wasn't a consistency in timing
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