ppl who try to buy/sale food stamps

Ok so I am getting food stamps and i live with my hubby his sister her kid and husband.... Since I got the food stamps I have been buying everything that is an everyday necessity to eat milk eggs ect.. and all she buys is things for her son... When I buy something I want to eat like chips and I go to have some its all gone... So she just asked me if it was possible if I could sell her my food stamps and she would give me half of the money.. excuse me but I stood for more then 5 hours in line pregnant to get them.. so I am dam sure she can too being that she isn't pregnant and perfectly healthy and plus her husband makes more then enough money to buy everything they need.. and she is not the nicest person either when we ask her for a favor she doesn't want to do it or she will but she is mad. Ugh I hate living with other ppl


  • Sorry its so long I am just so annoyed!
  • Not to mention its illegal! Lol I hate living with other people to I feel you on that. Especially when they can't pull their own weight X(
  • Good for you. There are people in this world who would take the money in a heartbeat. Food is important to pregnant women LOL.
  • Lol yea exactly what I said.. I was like umm do I look like a desperate crack head to u?? No offence to n e one... Sorry but I am just tiered of living here I have to put up with her really rude kid and I need my privacy!
  • @Mom60511 lol yea I get mad when I see they ate my things.. I'm like dnt u ppl know better then to mess with a pregnant woman's food!!!
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  • Where are you from if you don't mind me asking @mommy_of_two...
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  • @Mommy_of_two well than that's one more thing thats wrong with society. What's to stop that person from buying alcohol, pot, or cigarettes with the money They sold their food stamps for. Now kids are going hungry but the parent has their cigarettes. That is someone in charge being lazy and not doing their job getting laws passed to protect kids and taxpayers.
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  • Well that is sad that they don't do anything about it because there is some people like u that really need them and instead they are giving them to some one else that is selling them to buy drugs and or alcohol.. but I live in az and I know that they do take that in notice here because I know some lady that was selling them and she got them taken away and Had to go to court and idk what happened after..
  • To sell them all the person has to do is come.with you to the store,buy whatever food you want and give you money for that food.....selling it causes your benefits to be taken away for a certain period of time.
  • @mommy_of_two different scenario but a man was just recently arrested for buying with his food stamps lobsters and steaks and selling them those food items
  • @mommy_of_two some people get cash on their benefits card. Not saying she do. But you never know because where I live theres alot of selling/buying and getting non food items. Smh
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