my 2 month old just got his shots

edited July 2011 in Babies
Ahh...his crying non stop..any recommendations?


  • Did u give him some medicine. Just try to avoid touching the site. I breast fed my son to sooth him and just try to comfort him. Not much else u can do and im sure u tried all of that already. Good luck.. Btw love the pic u go girl
  • :( I'm not looking forward to shots.. I hope he feels better soon
  • My son got his two mo. old shots yesterday and we didnt use any meds. He would sleep and cry off and on. Maybe just hold and soothe him? Idk what meds he can take I found out some tylenol meds are on recall.
  • My lil man had his today too. The doctor gave me a prescription for a baby paracetamol. He said they sometimes get a bit of a temperature. Lil man was very brave was so proud of him :-)
  • Infant Tylenol....
  • My baby girl ran a temp so I gave her Tylenol. She slept alot after. Only cried at the doc office.
  • Warm wash cloth at the sites it helps
  • They told me to give my baby some infant tylenol before she has them but. Can I give her the med without prescription tjis early at 2months ?
  • yes you can... Read the label... there safe but make sure you buy infant NOT children kind!
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