im being horrible

edited July 2011 in Food
I know you're supposed to avoid salame but I've been craving salame and cream cheese so much lately I finally gave in and had some. It was so good. I only have a couple more weeks to go before this little one comes so I almost made it without


  • Lol...i think the risks are low if you dont over induldge:) enjoy your salami mama;)
  • Oh my gosh I just realized how peverted thay sounds! Lol
  • I know they say its bad but I've been eating lunch meat my entire prgnancy and my mom did w me and my two sisters and even my nana w her three and I even eat cookie dough I love raw batters no one I know has gotten sick or even harmed a baby over it as long as ur meat isn't slimy which means moldy ur fine
  • edited July 2011
    I hadn't heard that you weren't supposed to with my first 2 ate it all the time.
  • I eat potato salad pre made from Traderjoes even knowing I'm not suppose to. But its just so good.
  • It was so good I'm glad I ate it.
  • Premade potato salad is off limits?? Oops... @cfa
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  • I don't have to worry about potato salad since I don't like it anyway but the premade sea food salandi love
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