thinking about the labor and delivery gets me going into panic attack



  • @STARREYSKI87 thank u for your words i know i gotta do it eventually it is nice to know I'm not a lunatic being the only one who thinks or worries about something that's inevitable

    Every ones comments r so appreciated (: thank u all
  • @suziq I was certainly not ripped to pieces! When u put it like that it does sound scary! Because I had no epudural I was able to feel and control my muscles so I didn't tear at all. Not a stitch. It is a very personal choice to have natural or surgery and everything in btw.
  • @birth_guru 22 two of my closest friends needed a lot of sutures. As did one of my sisters and sister-inlaw and she went natural. One was pretty bad, the dr. recommended an episeotomi (sp?) But she said no, and she was sorry. I know it's not the case with eveyone so sorry for being so gross about it.. but it's my biggest fear. I should have never listened or asked them about it!!
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