Measuring 4 weeks ahead?!?! advice is appreciated!!

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
So I had my 28wk appt today with my midwife. Apparently I'm measuring between 32-33 wks. My weight is under (I've only gained 7-10 lbs so far), but my belly is larger than what its suppose to be. I'm not gonna stress about it now, but has anyone else had this happen? At this point I'm praying it's b/c I have a lot of fluid and not a a HUGE baby. I will also find out the results of my glucose test tmr.... so hopefully not problems there. I'm just trying not to worry.


  • I wouldn't worry cuz they could be wrong...I was told I'm 2-3 weeks ahead at 28 weeks, they also told me that he's gonna be a big baby and will not change my dd. Oh well, there's nothing u can do to change that if that's the case..of course I'm hoping my boy is not big, but as long as he's healthy that's all I'm concerned about! No sense in stressin mama, be happy! :D
  • Well, with it being 3-4 weeks, it sounds like your last "menstrual cycle" was probably implantation bleeding. :)
  • I've had similar issues. Im measuring small with being a couole lbs under weight, but my baby has measured fine. I read it your body type can have a major role in this. I.e. if your abs are very tight you may growth restriction of the uterus, but if your abs are loose your uterus is more free to grow. Don't fret. Everything will be okay. :)
  • At 37 weeks I was measuring 42 weeks. Doc just said my baby is big so I'm being induced next week (39 weeks).
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