mother in law from hell

edited July 2011 in First time moms
I have the mother in law from hell she basically wants to take over and when the baby is born she said blatently to annoy me I will never be his proper mother and I am not capable of looking after a child my husband is a mummies boy and will not stand up to her and tell her to back off and is even afraid of them alot . Any appointments I have got she is always there . His parents wouldnt mind us living with them its affecting our relationship . Ahhhh rant over


  • How does she know about your appts? I wouldn't tell her and I'd threaten my husband if he dared to tell her. Gosh, that does sound horrible. I'm sorry!
  • Yea I would be telling sweet MIL back the f up your child your husband she did her job now you shall fix all her mess ups like mummie's boy! Man I would be so pissed and apptointments oh hell NO she can wait in waiting room right where her ass should be when the baby is born!!! Good luck that would so piss me off!!!
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