Anyone stationed in Fort Riley, Kanses? Please Help!

edited July 2011 in Military moms
My friend lives on base because her husband is there. She just had a baby 2 months ago, and I need to know what she can do. She is being beaten by him, and when he leaves for work, he takes the only car and her cell phone. When he comes home, he.takes the keys and her cell, so she can't leave. She doesn't really know anyone there. I'm trying to get the money together to get a plane ticket for her to come home. Any suggestions on what she can do til then?


  • Tell her to contact his commander. Go to her neighbors house and call the MP's.
  • Her neighbor is letting her use her phone to talk to me, but she is scared. She already called the police once, and it just made him more angry, and she has nowhere else to go but there until I get her a ticket which would be Tuesday probably
  • The only way to take care of this is for her to call his squadron and call the base commander. They will help her. But she has to do it.
  • I.told her. I hope she does. she says she is worried he will say she kidnapped their son. But she is covered in bruises. Last time, he need her in the back while she was holding the baby
  • She needs to speak to his 1st sargent and they will help her. SHe should also ask the neighbor to take pictures of her bruises. I am in Ohio, so there is not much I can do but give advice, but please keepme updated.
  • @headersue do u know how she can get their number? She wants to, but doesn't know how to contact them.
  • I guess she had them the last time he hurt her and called the mp. And he has the numbers now
  • I live just over two hours from fort riley if she has somewhere to go I can be apart of the chain to get her there
  • @beaded_bunny I'm gonna try and get her a plane ticket. She said the closest airport that she knows of is 3 hours away.
  • does she know what squad he is in? here are some numbers I found on line that she can call

    Commanding General.. ......... Bldg 580 .............. 239-3516
    Or just tell her to call 911, that gets to the MP's
  • @headersue thank u so much. U have no idea what it means to have a stranger help me like this. I've been in tears for days not knowing if she is ok or not. Thank u again sooooo much
  • You could always call too, just tell them her information and tell them that she is afraid to call or something.
  • @beaded_bunny I'm asking now.

    @headersue she is calling now.
  • @headersue I will if she can't but she is calling now, so hopefully they can help her until I can afford a ticket.
  • Ok, well keep us posted!
  • I will and thanks again so much. @headersue
  • edited July 2011
    When the mps are called the service members name shows up on the police blotter that goes to his coc. If she reports domestic violence after he is released from jail they will require stay in the barracks and w her. We left ft riley this past feb. Also theres an airport just offpost. Its MHK
  • Yeah, she was worried that the Manhattan one would be too expensive, but I just checked flight and its the same. I'm gonna try to book it Tuesday or Wednesday.

    @cetheridge ill yell her that. last time he came home 3 days later.
  • You are such a great friend to help her during this situation! She is lucky to have you! She will be in my thoughts and I hope everything works out for her...and you! Prayers all around!
  • @baileygoose thanks. Just wish I lived closer. Thought about driving, but not sure how to get there. Just a cuddy situation. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. She will need them
  • Any updates?
  • @headersue I'm not sure what's going on. I convinced her to leave, gave her the numbers. Said she was calling and then her son started crying, so she was gonna call back. I Txt later even tho its her neighbors phone, and the neighbor told her to seek counseling and try to work it out. I'm kinda pissed. How do u tell a woman covered in bruises to work it out. She asked me to give her today to think cause she is confused on what to do now. I told her that once he abuses her, it won't stop. And what if he does it to her son? So im gonna talk to her in the morning. I just don't wanna lose her to an abusive asshole. :(
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