Honestly sick of being pregnant.. :-(

I'm 18 and I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow, I honestly just want this to be over already, am I the only person that hates being pregnant? Don't get me wrong I'm excited for my little boy to get here, but being pregnant has just been a horrible experience for me. I never see my friends anymore except for my best friend, my boyfriend is never in the mood anymore which puts me in a very bad mood, I feel horrible about the way I look and I feel like I've gained too much weight and I'm worried I won't be able to get rid of it, I constantly worry about money and how I'm going to afford all of this, and I'm just angry at everyone all of the time now! :-( I really hope things get better after I have my baby, I feel like I'm going to snap!


  • I am right there with you. I am 37 weeks with my second and I am miserable. My son is breech and I might have to have a c-section which I am not looking forward to. I have gained over 50 pounds and I can't sleep, breathe,or walk for 10 minutes without being in pain. The mood thing will change. It did for me. I wanted to rip everyones heads off when I was at 25 weeks.
  • @frogingrovin I'm glad I'm not the only one! I've already gained 25 pounds and if I gain much more I'll freak out! I went from a d cup to a dd too and I hate it!!! I'm really considering getting reduction as soon as I can, my back and feet constantly hurt so much. You're so lucky to almost be done I can't wait!
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  • @pawgio the time starts to trickle by. I feel like I have been pregnant for 5 years now. Gaining 6 pounds in one week does not help with anything! I hope it gets better for you! %%-
  • Me! I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and I hate being pregnant. I can't wait for my little boy to come! I've gained 25-30 lbs and when I do try to workout now I get such uncomfortable pressure :( I can't get comfortable and my feet hurt constantly. Plus, my bf has been a real ass throughout this pregnancy. Just not a good experience for me either girl.
  • @loveourlittleone My boyfriend has been a bit of an ass too, I'll ask him to rub my back or my feet after work and he's always too tired.. but the next night when I'm tired he asks me to rub his back or something.. and if I say anything about how much weight I've gained or how I just feel fat he freaks out about it. I feel like he needs to be more sensitive to what I'm going through!
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