My numbers were 28,175 at 5w5d and 41,158 at 6w1d. Has anyone had numbers not quite double and still had a healthy pregnancy?! I have an u/s tomorrow so I'll find out tomorrow I guess....just trying to get input from all of you. Thanks:-)
Oh those numbers sound great! Once they're up in the thousands like yours, it should take longer than 2 days to double, more like 3 or 4, I think. So I'd say you're good!
Those are really high numbers, which sometimes means twins! My first pregnancy my hcg levels weren't doubling and I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks, but my numbers never got that high, only to 2,000. Those high numbers sound good. And plus when they're that high it takes longer to double and eventually your levels, level out and don't get higher.