Anatomy Check Up (Unnecessarily Long... lol.)

Had my appt today. Currently 21w1d. Doc went over my ultrasound from last week and said baby looks good. I asked about my placenta, cus it was covering my cervix before, and he said it moved and looked good. Yay! I was super worried about that. My uterus measured 22" (psh, I don't know what that means) and baby David's heart rate was 150bpm.

At the U/S last week at 20w1d, he was measuring over 12oz and looked to be about due on Dec. 3rd. U/S at 11 weeks was about Dec 1st. We are still keeping our original EDD of Nov. 30th. Doc said I'll have one more U/S around 30-34w to make sure everything looks good still.

The only 2 things that didn't sound so great to me...

I'm down to 170lbs now, which I think means I've lost 16lbs since January (I'm 5'10"). I think all of the weight loss has been in the 2nd trimester, as I haven't been able to eat much, even after I stopped puking at 17w. But I could swear I thought I gained! I felt so crappy that afterward, I went to Cinnabon for a caramel pecan heart attack bun. Lol. BD tried to make me feel better when I got home by saying his mom was small and tall when she was pregnant with him, and then got much bigger toward the end, which my doctor also said would be likely to happen. He said he wasn't concerned. Ah well. I'll get over myself. A plus is that I can fit into some clothes for the first time this year. I gained a bit of weight right before I got pregnant, and nothing was fitting. Lol. So I've noticed a difference in my face and arms.

The other thing was that I asked about my blood work I had done last month. Everything looked good but the lab they sent it to for some reason said they didn't have my basic info in order to complete my 'quad' (is what my dr called it). So I have to call back tomorrow to see if they figured it out. I only have a few more days left to complete it if they didn't do my blood work So I'm hoping when I call back tomorrow, they did the work, they just slacked and for some reason said they didn't know my basic info. The nurse said it had happened with another person recently even though they had the background info the whole time. Slackers! Lol.

But, I'm sure stuff is going okay. In other news, this baby has been kicking up a storm. It was one the verge of discomfort this morning. Bleh! I think I'm dehydrated too. Gotta keep working on that. And I waddle a lot. This little guy likes to nuzzle into my pelvis. Lol.

Just wanted to check in! :)


  • sounds like a great appt overall! when the doc told you that you were measuring 22" it means that your uterus is about 22." which is good because it's a general rule of thumb that for each week you are, you will be roughly that many inches. so I am 34 wks I measure 34". although, you can measure +/-2"
    weight gain/ loss is normal in pregnant- usually. I am now 34 wks and since 28 wks i have lost about 7 lbs. doc says she isn't worried because baby is measuring on time with dd and i am eating. i just eat less because of nausea.
  • Cool. I had no idea what size a uterus is supposed to be like. Lol.

    Aw. Did your nausea go away and then come back? I had it most of the day yesterday.
  • Yep. Sounds good :)
  • Cool. I had no idea what size a uterus is supposed to be like. Lol.

    Aw. Did your nausea go away and then come back? I had it most of the day yesterday. Stopped puking weeks ago though.
  • I lost 25 lbs by 20 weeks with my last pregnancy. I had gained all but 1 lb back by delivery. The good news was, I went home from the hospital almost 35lbs lighter! I have a long torso, so I never really showed a lot either, because baby stretches up instead of out.
  • Oh dumb phone... lol.
  • My torso is really long, too. Lol. @laura536

    That'd be awesome if I lost some weight and it turned out to still be healthy for us. I was trying to lose weight before I got pregnant, so that stopped abruptly. Lol. It's like a jumpstart for afterwards, I guess. :P
  • I wish i'd been able to keep mine off! The day I left the hospital, I was the skinniest I've been since 9th grade! But I gained it all back and then some from my birth control, I think. My daughter weighed 7 lbs 6 oz, so I hate to think what she'd have weighed if i'd been able to eat that first 20 weeks, lol!
  • @laura536 ouch, she would have been huge. Lol.

    I gained like 40lbs since high school. It was time for it to go. Relationship weight gain, mostly. Lol. My fingers are crossed that I stay motivated but... motivated doesn't sound like me. :P
  • motivation is where I fail too. I've been paying for a gym membership for almost three years and I haven't been in almost 18 months. I keep saying I'm going to go and just never making it there, lol!
  • Yeah... I tried that last year. I cancelled after 5 months. Having to pay however much a month wasn't good enough to keep me going. I did like the feeling after a workout though. :)
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