Baby slow weight gain/pumping
So baby lost 12% of her birth weight. I have to have her at birth weight by monday or they will make me supplement. I feed her 24/7. Everyhalf hour. Taking fenugreek and eating more...well she skipped a feeding during our nap today so i tried pumping...still only get half an ounce. I barely worried im not making enough. How much should i be pumping a week and a half after birth?? Pediatrician says her mouth is small n my niopples r large. I also had peircings for 10 years...maybe i need to go back to the lact consultant. I wanna give in to formula sibe i go to work soon. Hubbys mad cuz i bought a pump but im not pumping much! I dont want her hungry. I have gicen 2 bottles n ahe sucked it down...ugh help.
When I wanted to produce more I pumped right after I fed my daughter. I went from producing 1oz too 3oz!!! Good luck hun
Try not to stress; the nurses made me feel like a bad mom cause she had lost so much, but it won't help stressing. Hang in there hun, it'll be okay!