
edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I'm currently wrkn &this is my first time wid a job while being pregnant. I kno I had to put my 2weeks notice in for maturity snice I will be leaving nxt week. Do anyone kno if I have to let tha big boss kno wen I'm coming back? Bcus I plan on taking family leave after my maturity leave is up.. I need help =/


  • I believe you should let them know that you plan to use your 6 weeks of maternity leave and 6 weeks of fmla. This way, there will be no confusion or surprises and you'll be able to spend all that time focusing on you and then baby.
  • I think it all depends on where you work and how long you have been there. I know I had to apply for family leave before hand and have it approved so you might want to check with someone at the company or place you work at. Sorry not much help
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