The Big D. :( TMI

edited July 2011 in Health
Thought I have been feeling pretty dehydrated the last couple days. Low and behold, I now have diarrhea. I am trying to drink as much water as possible and later might get some electrolyte juice or something. All I have is Pepto at home, and I don't think we're supposed to take that while pregnant, correct?

I was just wondering if anyone has any home remedies AND if you know any brands that we are okay to have from the store that you ladies recommend. It's a bit early to send my DF to the store (up late cleaning, lol) and I'm kinda glued to our toilet. I can get something later today. But until then, anything I might find in the cupboard? Maybe? Ugh.

Happy Friday everyone. Lol.....


  • Bananas and Tums!
  • no, you're not supposed to take pepto while pregnant. imodium is ok though but if you want something a little more natural, my mom used to have me drink jello right after she made it (after it had cooled down enough of course) and that always stopped the flow so to speak. i hope you feel better hon!
  • I have Tums! Oh, poo. I have no idea where DF moved them. Lol. Bananas, really? The couple we have left went bad so i'll get some more today when we go grocery shopping. Thanks @ChelseaMarie :)
  • Jello? :/ Lol. Interesting. I have never heard of that. Maybe I'll give it a try. Lol. Thank you @Fae.
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  • Yes bananas are supposed to clog you up lol also If you have any nuts or peanut butter the more protein the better! (:
  • Brat diet...bananas,rice,applesauce,tums
  • Toast not tums...sorry
  • Nutmeg dry. Tablespoon. Its hard but works fast
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  • @lmelanson no prob...3kids and a home daycare and its not something you will ever forget! Lol
  • Hana. I thought it was funny that you said Tums instead of toast. I thought it was intentional! :P @mommyo3soon2b4

    And thanks everyone. Baby super appreciates it. It feels like he's fighting for space between him and my intestines. :P
  • Well tums are my best friend so they are always in the back of my mind:)
  • Lol. Mine too.

    My mom ran a daycare when I was a kid. It's dumb, I know about the brat diet. How is it that I forget when I start to panic? Hana.
  • Yeah ive been having a lot of diarrhea as well I was told stick to the BRAT. Diet....banana rice apple sauce toast. ...good luck
  • I think I'm just craving apple sauce now.

    Frozen apple sauce is amazing if anyone hasn't tried it by the way. Lol. Works best if you get it in the individual cups, and just shave away at it with a spoon. Yum. :P
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