Shoes n swollen feet why

edited February 2011 in Health
Ok last nite i was at walmart for only 2hr.all of a sudden my feet started hurting n hot red n swollen .. Why did this an what does this mean? also with my other two pregnancies b4 these never happened .???????


  • How far are you? With my daughter my legs & feet got so swollen I had to prop my legs up in 2 pillows & immediately put my clothes on or I couldn't fit into my shoes at all & I couldn't take them off until I knew I was home for good, I was just a month or two away, I also had to take benadryl to keep from clawing my legs they inched so bad. But with this one I haven't started swelling yet. Hope this helps sweetie. & hope yours don't get so bad it really stinks!
  • Im only 18wks
  • Might just be water weight I literally gained 10 lbs of water weight in a week. Did the pillows work? If not, consult your Dr there might be something he/she can do. Sorry sweetie. I hope it gets better for you.
  • Yea thx pillowed worked great i rested for 2 days with pillows under my feet n swellen is gone
  • I got a new pair if Crocs anticipating fat, swollen feet!
  • Its also happening to me & I'm only 16wks idk why ugh :/
  • Hmm maybe its the new shoes cuz i was wearin new shoes when mine got huge n swollen also but pillows help
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