not getting my hopes up...but could this be pre labor

edited July 2011 in July 2011
I'm 40 weeks along, my fiancee and I had sex this morning and I had strong period cramps all morning, still having some now but most of the pain is in my lower back. I figured it was just back pain but it keeps coming, no matter if I stand or sit. I have a lot of pain in my hips too. Could this be a sign he's tryin to get things going? I've never had the pain last this long


  • Just give your dr a call and see what he wants you to do. :)
  • It sounds like back labor to me! Are you timing them? I hope today is the day for you!! How exciting!
  • Culd be ! I jus went to Dr yesterday for back an hip pain same as u an seen im already soft but I'm only 25 wks .
  • @kansasmomma I'm honestly not sure how to time them. But my due date was yesterday so it would be awesome to have him here this weekend.
  • @mrz_jackson2anpreggo I'm already soft too, 50% effaced and fingertip dilated (that's what they said wed. Anyway)
  • Oh good luck hun!! I hope you have him soon!! Its too hott to still be pregnant!
  • @kansasmomma the pains for the most part have stopped, still cramping a little and my ankles are swollen so no this heat doesn't make it any better lol.
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