I have 2 Q's
My little man turned 3 months today, my Q is....When do you start them on cereal. Our pediatrician said no food till he's 6months. But I see a lot of moms puting there Lo on cereal and or juices by 3 months. And and 1 more Q none food related....When can I take him swimming? I learned to surf last year and I'm missing the beach. We live 15 mins from 2 of them...
we didn't start cereal until 6 months. it has to do with baby's ability to swallow and their reflexes. i would wait it out. i have also heard that it can cause premature acid reflux. just trust your pediatrician.
I did ask my dr about the sunscreen thing and she said it's mostly because the companies can't say for sure whether it's bad for small babies and you have to keep it off their hands and feet.