cloth nappies (diapers?)....?

edited July 2011 in Pregnant
I was thinking about using these but don't really now anything about them. So was hoping someone would be able to answer me some questions....
. How many times can you use them?
. Do you change them just as often as a disposable?
. What do you do if they poo??? Will I have to be scraping poo off? lol
. How many would I need?
. Do they wash properly?
. What type would be best? There's so many! (maybe only UK mammys answer this question as it might be diff in America)
As you can see I NEED HELP!
Anything else id need to know just let me know :)


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  • Depending on the type from infant-potty trained on multiple children.
    little more often in my case they done have all of the chemicals so baby doesn't feel as dry
    Breast/formula babies just stick it in the wash. Food babies put a dry butt wipe on the diper when you put it on so if baby poos you just have to peel off the wipe into toilet so no real contact.
    depends on how often you want to do laundry. 24-36 is a loaf every 2-3 days.
    In america
  • Cloth diapers are gonna be a pain. You are gonna have to wash them constantly. They save money but that's about it. In my opinion
  • That's what I'm looking to do, save money, I already have a 2 yr old who's still in nappies at night so Id have to buy 2 lots. My washer is on every other day anyways lol
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